MIRACLE ZBX 4.0.14-1

MIRACLE ZBX 4.0.14-1


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 および CentOS 8 向けパッケージにおいて、Web フロントエンドのグラフに用いられるフォントを vlgothic-p-fonts から google-noto-sans-cjk-ttc へ変更
  • Value Cache の使用状況をリセットさせる機能を Runtime Control を用いて Zabbix Server に追加
    • value_cache_manage=reset でValue Cacheをリセットします
  • MIRACLE ZBX のベースとしているソフトウェアを Zabbix 4.0.14 へアップデート
  • 変更内容は以下 Changelog からの引用を参照

New features in 4.0.14:

[ZBXNEXT-5481] added support of {TRIGGER.ID} macro in trigger tags (vso)
[ZBXNEXT-4746] added "Template Server Cisco UCS SNMPv2" template (vitaly)
[ZBXNEXT-5422] quoted numbers are now accepted by JSONPath aggregate functions (atumilovics)

Bug fixes in 4.0.14:

[ZBX-16605] fixed accessibility of localstorage identifier if cookies are made unaccessible for client side scripts (miks)
[ZBX-16754] fixed trigger not firing for first collected value if it's timestamp is in future (vso)
[ZBX-15211] added key 'tests' for bootstrap.sh when working with cmocka tests (MVekslers)
[ZBX-16542] fixed incorrect displaying of unacknowledged and resolved recent problematic triggers in trigger overview and dashboard widget (averza, Ivo, vmurzins)
[ZBX-16749] improved performance and memory consumption of script.getscriptsbyhosts() method (Sasha)
[ZBX-16725] fixed detection of fping minimal interval (MVekslers)
[ZBX-16562] fixed configuration.export method in API improperly formatting "application" property within "httptests" when exporting in JSON format (Ivo)
[ZBX-15222] fixed housekeeper to cleanup history not only for current item type of information but also for other previously selected types (vso)
[ZBX-16481] fixed spelling issues in the code (arimdjonoks)
[ZBX-15675] added support for more than 64 CPUs in Windows agent (kalimulin)
[ZBX-16770] fixed value mapping in Template Net HP Comware HH3C SNMP (vitaly)
[ZBX-16534] fixed stdout and stderr redirection after external log rotation (akozlovs)
[ZBX-16368] fixed fping double call (akozlovs)
[ZBX-16317] fixed log.h is not self-sufficient (akozlovs)
[ZBX-16711] ensuring errbuf is emptied before every curl_easy_perform request (arimdjonoks)
[ZBX-16664] fixed IPMI poller skips processing if one of the elements is missing information (akozlovs)
[ZBX-16671] fixed server crashing when linking web scenario template (arimdjonoks)
[ZBX-16750] fixed broken validation of peer certificate issuer and subject strings in TLS connect, fixed logging (Andris)
[ZBX-16002] added new macro EVENT.RECOVERY.NAME to display recovery event name in recovery alerts (akozlovs)
[ZBX-16512] fixed false item insertion into the queue after maintenance (akozlovs)
[ZBX-15685] fixed zabbix_sender failing to report the error due to closed connection (arimdjonoks)
[ZBX-16702] fixed error in the elastic search clearing history (vasilijs)
[ZBX-10805] fixed log items graphs drawing with numeric values like trapper items (vasilijs)
[ZBX-16604] fixed occurrence of an undefined index in discovered graph configuration (vasilijs)
[ZBX-16611] fixed memory and performance leaks in gtlc.js library (averza)
[ZBX-15135] fixed incorrect triggers being displayed in Availability report when filtering by template (averza, Ivo)
[ZBX-16681] fixed displaying of "Acknowledge" menu option for "Not classified" problems in the Trigger overview page (Sasha)
[ZBX-16428] fixed SIGBUS crash when mmap memory is not accessible (atumilovics)
[ZBX-16680] fixed freeing locked resources when Zabbix agent cannot be started and has to exit with failure (viktors)
[ZBX-16666] fixed trailing slash being set in cookie path (talbergs)
[ZBX-16612] fixed possibility of high CPU usage on Windows (vso)
[ZBX-16683] fixed race condition between history syncer and escalator that caused recovery operations being delayed by step duration (vso)
[ZBX-16383] adjusted timer sleeping period to process maintenances each minute at 00 seconds (wiper)
[ZBX-16575] getting disk controller type from linked controller label value (atumilovics)
[ZBX-16561] fixed JsonPath parsing for comma characters inside quoted string (atumilovics)
[ZBX-16677] fixed empty sql query DBexecute_overflowed_sql call during host availability update (atumilovics)
[ZBX-15897] fixed overall health check in Template HP iLO SNMPv2 (vitaly)

