MIRACLE ZBX 4.0.13-1

MIRACLE ZBX 4.0.13-1


  • 使用している mbedTLS のバージョンを 2.7.11 から 2.7.12 に更新
  • 適用する場合はこのバージョンの MIRACLE ZBX パッケージを使用してください
    mbedTLS の更新内容はこちらをご参照ください
  • 本バージョンより、Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 および CentOS 8 向けパッケージの提供を開始
  • MIRACLE ZBX のベースとしているソフトウェアを Zabbix 4.0.13 へアップデート
  • 変更内容は以下 Changelog からの引用を参照

New features in 4.0.13:

[ZBXNEXT-1287] added support for English performance counters on Windows (kalimulin)
[ZBX-3783] added strict validation of input parameters in valuemap.get() method (Sasha)
[ZBXNEXT-4920] increased received packet size to 1GB (akozlovs)

Bug fixes in 4.0.13:

[ZBX-13266] fixed performance of sql query with lots of items (MVekslers)
[ZBX-16089] fixed Windows socket initialization in Windows sender sample application (atumilovics)
[ZBX-16228] increased max length to 2000 characters for values of the headers of the http agents (averza)
[ZBX-16480] fixed error in graphs after page refresh if period was set to future (averza)
[ZBX-16452] fixed inconsistency in show legend, working time and triggers for graphs in screens and dashboard (averza)
[ZBX-16565] fixed incorrect sorting of triggers in "Trigger overview" widget (Ivo)
[ZBX-7798] improved performance of icmpping* for fping v4.0 and more (MVekslers)
[ZBX-16522] fixed undefined index "type" in pie and exploded graph creation (talbergs)
[ZBX-16545] fixed shell script execution timeout log message (atumilovics)
[ZBX-16467] removed tables without auto-increment from DBget_maxid_num function (akozlovs)
[ZBX-16538] fixed color for the multiselect selected items (ashubin)
[ZBX-16445] fixed possible duplicate key insertion during LLD (akozlovs)
[ZBX-16539] fixed "Template Net Juniper SNMPv2" (afayantsev)
[ZBX-16349] fixed "Delete missing" checkbox does not work when importing template without checking "Update existing" (agriscenko)
[ZBX-16279] fixed trailing spaces handling in value mapping when using MySQL (akozlovs)
[ZBX-16460] fixed Zabbix daemon termination on FreeBSD (vso)
[ZBX-16230] fixed unreachable host next check calculation uses both unreachable settings and flexible item interval (akozlovs)
[ZBX-16449] fixed wrong order of the displayed latest values in problems (vasilijs)
[ZBX-16435] fixed Zabbix graph spinning in preview tab in IE11 (talbergs)
[ZBX-15766] fixed the ability to add an unlimited number of widgets in the Dashboard (vasilijs)
[ZBX-16398] fixed selection of discovered services by dservice.get "dcheckids" property (vasilijs)
[ZBX-16370] fixed link indicator coloring in network maps (vasilijs)

