MIRACLE ZBX 4.0.11-1
MIRACLE ZBX 4.0.11-1
- Zabbix Server の Runtime Control 機能で設定できる discard_alerts の最大値を 16,777,215 に、log_slow_queries の最大値を 3,600,000 に変更
- 使用している pcre のバージョンを 8.43 へアップデート
適用する場合はこのバージョンの MIRACLE ZBX パッケージを使用してください
pcre の更新内容はこちらをご参照ください
https://www.pcre.org/original/changelog.txt - 使用している mbedTLS のバージョンを 2.7.11 へアップデート
適用する場合はこのバージョンの MIRACLE ZBX パッケージを使用してください
mbedTLS の更新内容はこちらをご参照ください
https://tls.mbed.org/tech-updates/releases/mbedtls-2.16.2-and-2.7.11-released - MIRACLE ZBX のベースとしているソフトウェアを Zabbix 4.0.11 へアップデート
- 変更内容は以下 Changelog からの引用を参照
New features in 4.0.11:
[ZBXNEXT-4502] added support of full JsonPath functionality (wiper)
[ZBXNEXT-5176,ZBXNEXT-5205] blocked zero item history/trends period being overridden by global configuration (miks, wiper)
Bug fixes in 4.0.11:
[ZBX-16376] fixed preprocessing steps having incorrect order and duplicate step numbers (Ivo)
[ZBX-16344] fixed possibility to add graph widget overrides (Ivo)
[ZBX-16388] fixed LLD to update preprocessing step number in case it is incorrectly generated (vso)
[ZBX-16337] fixed debug log message for suppressed escalations; thanks to Kotaro Miyashita for the patch (viktors)
[ZBX-16287] fixed compiler warnings in host.c; thanks to Glebs Ivanovskis for the patch (asestakovs)
[ZBX-16103] reduced PCRE recursion limit (asestakovs)
[ZBX-16289] fixed async dashboard widget update (miks)
[ZBX-13266] improved performance of the SQL queries with lot of IDs in the condition (Sasha)
[ZBX-16277] fixed compilation Zabbix agent for Windows with options available for Windows Vista and newer (MVekslers)
[ZBX-16239] fixed compilation warining related to prototypes of module API functions (viktors)
[ZBX-16256] eliminated possible infinite fetch loop with OracleDB (viktors)
[ZBX-15343] fixed JS memory leak in hintboxes in graph widget (Ivo)
[ZBX-16329] fixed duplicate value checking in trigger action conditions (Ivo)
[ZBX-15562] reworked history.get API method; fixed output as well as other known issues in history API (miks, Sasha)
[ZBX-16135] fixed error messages in XML export files (averza)
[ZBX-16213] fixed PostgreSQL bad performance on history tables (averza)
[ZBX-16176] preserve trailing spaces in history values (averza)
[ZBX-16169] improved performance of map navigation tree widget (miks)
[ZBX-16288] fixed when unknown resource logged in audit log when working with dashboards (vasilijs)
[ZBX-16134] fixed duplicate triggers can be created using API and XML import (agriscenko)
[ZBX-15969] fixed displaying of very small values that are more than 2 decimal points in latest data (Ivo)
[ZBX-16280] fixed when Plain Text Widgets do not display as HTML when option is selected (vasilijs)
[ZBX-16012] fixed confusing error message "Cannot read JSON." in HTTP agent item (vasilijs)
[ZBX-16270] fixed memory leak in IPC service when queueing multiple messages to client (akozlovs)
[ZBX-16204] fixed undefined offset in CControllerWidgetProblemHostsView (rlataria)
[ZBX-15962] added mounted filesystems to vfs.fs.discovery of windows agent (asestakovs)
[ZBX-16315] fixed Zabbix server not to cause foreign key constraint failure on Zabbix proxy when changing and sending configuration at the same time (vso)
[ZBX-16153] fixed 500 Internal Server Error when trying to preview pie/exploded graph without items (rlataria)
[ZBX-9867] improved Zabbix daemon termination by not using signal unsafe functions in signal handler; improved Zabbix server and Zabbix proxy process termination by stopping data collection and waiting for history syncers to finish (vso)