MIRACLE ZBX 3.0.27-2

MIRACLE ZBX 3.0.27-2


  • 使用している mbedTLS のバージョンを 2.7.9 から 2.7.10 へアップデート
    適用する場合はこのバージョンの MIRACLE ZBX パッケージを使用してください
    mbedTLS の更新内容はこちらをご参照ください
  • MIRACLE ZBX のベースとしているソフトウェアを Zabbix 3.0.27 へアップデート
  • 変更内容は以下 Changelog からの引用を参照

Bug fixes in 3.0.27:

[ZBX-16019] fixed HOST.CONN, HOST.IP, IPADDRESS and HOST.DNS macros expansion in global scripts (akozlovs)
[ZBX-15674] fixed map status to be displayed OK if there are no problem in submaps (talbergs)
[ZBX-2494] fixed sorting of items, item prototypes, lld rules and screens to avoid deadlocks in database between server and frontend (ashubin)
[ZBX-10404] fixed password being passed in plain text in media type edit form (gcalenko)
[ZBX-15721] fixed escaping of control characters in JSON encoder (Andris, viktors)
[ZBX-15937] fixed agent startup problem in Win 2008 R2 w/o SP1 by merging ZBX-15728 (kalimulin)
[ZBX-15588] fixed function names that are written to the log file when using LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG (asitals)
[ZBX-15870] fixed redundant jsloader loading in login page (miks)
[ZBX-15913] fixed possible crash when sending custom alerts (vso)
[ZBX-13347] fixed possible crash in history syncer process when processing discovered item value (vso)

