MIRACLE ZBX 3.0.24-1
MIRACLE ZBX 3.0.24-1
- 使用している mbedTLS のバージョンを 2.7.6 から 2.7.8 に更新 適用する場合はこのバージョンの MIRACLE ZBX パッケージを使用してください
- 本バージョンよりAmazon Linux 2向けパッケージの提供を開始
- MIRACLE ZBX Agent の Windows Server 2019 対応
- MIRACLE ZBX のベースとしているソフトウェアを Zabbix 3.0.24 へアップデート
- 変更内容は以下 Changelog からの引用を参照
mbedTLS の更新内容はこちらをご参照ください
New features in 3.0.24:
[ZBXNEXT-4841] removed hardcoded location for iconv.h; thanks to Helmut Grohne for the patch (kalimulin)
[ZBXNEXT-3047] fixed compilation errors on Windows platform with static OpenSSL libraries (Andris, viktors)
[ZBXNEXT-4836] added license information and OpenSSL linking exception to README file, show crypto library version when started with '-V' (Andris)
Bug fixes in 3.0.24:
[ZBX-14635] fixed rare LLD failures when moving host between groups (kalimulin)
[ZBX-13719] fixed loss of calc_fnc index in graph edit form (vasilijs)
[ZBX-13009] fixed percentage calculation on availability reports list page (gcalenko)
[ZBX-15132] backported daylight saving related scheduled checks fix from ZBX-12965 (wiper)
[ZBX-14899] fixed wrong net.tcp.listen values on obsolete Linux systems (kalimulin)
[ZBX-15142] fixed time format for vmware performance counters query (MVekslers)
[ZBX-14833] fixed selectHosts option in dservice.get API method to return the list of hosts by IP and proxy (Ivo, Sasha)
[ZBX-15062] fixed binary heap trying to reallocate slots on every insert (wiper)
[ZBX-14805] fixed unauthorized request error when resetting filter after enabling/disabling elements (agriscenko)
[ZBX-14758] fixed encoding for cookie names and values (Ivo, vmurzins)
[ZBX-14691] fixed faulty behaviour of mandatory fields in Trigger expression form (vasilijs)
[ZBX-13505] fixed link coloring in map when related trigger is not monitored (miks)
[ZBX-14953] fixed not closed connection with vmware at the end of update session via a call to Logout() (MVekslers)
[ZBX-14966] removed the notes about sqlite from zabbix_server.conf (MVekslers)
[ZBX-14422] fixed SQL queries being logged when accessing API, even if debug mode is disabled (agriscenko)
[ZBX-15027] fixed startup failures due to orphaned or zombie processes remaining when zabbix daemon is terminated during startup (vso)