MIRACLE ZBX 3.0.13-1

MIRACLE ZBX 3.0.13-1


  • 使用している mbedTLS のバージョンを 1.3.19 から 1.3.21 に更新
  • mbedTLS の更新内容はこちらをご参照ください
  • [ZBX-11902] の修正で AIX 6.1 TL6 以前では動作しなくなるため、他の実装へ変更
  • AIX の アイテム "system.cpu.discovery" が正しく取得できていなかった問題を修正
  • MIRACLE ZBX の設定ファイルで syslog のファシリティを設定可能にする機能を追加
    -syslog 使用時に設定ファイル内の "SyslogFacility=" でファシリティを設定できます
  • -(Windows は対応していません)
  • WebUI 上の [管理] - [キュー] 画面において、"eventlog_ext" のアイテムが常に遅延した状態としてカウントされていた問題を修正
  • Solaris 11 のパッケージにおいてインストール時にディレクトリの属性が競合していため一部ディレクトリを除去し問題を修正
  • MIRACLE ZBX のベースとしているソフトウェアを Zabbix 3.0.13 へアップデート
  • 変更内容は以下 Changelog からの引用を参照

New features: in 3.0.13:

[ZBXNEXT-1421] added service sorting by name if multiple services has same 'sortorder' value (miks)
[ZBXNEXT-4081] improved error message for case when none of supported database modules exists (gcalenko)

Bug fixes: in 3.0.13:

[DEV-593] fixed multiple security issues (miks)
[ZBX-12854] fixed crash of VMware collector with DebugLevel=4 (gleb)
[ZBX-11902] fixed CPU count for LPAR partitions in IBM AIX (abs)
[ZBX-12260] fixed windows agent to support UTF-16LE, UCS-2, UCS-2LE encodings (vso)
[ZBX-12722] fixed scrollbar causing a JS error in "500 latest values" page due to unnecessarily initialization (Ivo)
[ZBX-12710] fixed OS type detection logic (vjaceslavs)
[ZBX-12543] fixed problems with session management (vjaceslavs)
[ZBX-12259] added an informative warning about lack of data for macros used in LLD rule filter (viktors)

New features: in 3.0.12:

[ZBXNEXT-1862] modified server, proxy and agent to follow changes in /etc/resolv.conf (Andris)

Bug fixes: in 3.0.12:

[ZBX-12788] fixed error when template is added to hosts via mass update form (gcalenko, vmurzins)
[ZBX-12666] fixed ETag comparison check in jsLoader for web server with enabled compression (gcalenko)
[ZBX-6669] fixed use of current host as filter when selecting items for graph forms and trigger forms (gcalenko)
[ZBX-10547] fixed IT services calculation in parallel transactions not seeing each other changes when calculating common parent service (vso)
[ZBX-12441] fixed user permission check for macros containing user personal information in notification messages (viktors)
[ZBX-12191] fixed start time and timeline period in events screen when switching to next pages (miks)
[ZBX-12779] fixed detection of PostgreSQL 10 (Andris)
[ZBX-12281] fixed simultaneous sending of the same history data from passive proxy (gleb, vjaceslavs)
[ZBX-12770] fixed links in select popup for user groups; updated group selection field in Administration->Users (gcalenko)
[ZBX-8277] improved performance of hostgeneral.unlink() method; fixed SQL statement (Sasha)
[ZBX-10754] fixed inheritance of template properties in web scenarios (miks)
[ZBX-12727] fixed response for script.get() method with "editable" flag (Sasha)
[ZBX-12727] fixed dcheck.get(), dhost.get() and dservice.get() permission checks for admin users; related to ZBX-7238 (Sasha)

