MIRACLE ZBX 2.2.14-1

MIRACLE ZBX 2.2.14-1


  • systemd に起因する問題により各サービスが正常に停止できない場合があった問題を修正

    MIRACLE ZBX 2.2.11 以前の 2.2 系を ML7, CentOS7, RHEL7 などでご利用の場合、

    今回の修正により systemd のバージョンが 219-3 以上であることを要求するようになりました。
    systemd を使用していない ML6, CentOS6, RHEL6 などではこの問題は発生しません。
  • パッケージ内の不要なファイルを削除
  • Web監視を TLS1.0 以降に対応(SSL2.0 および SSL3.0 のみ対応の Web ページは非対応)
  • Webインターフェースの初期設定画面のボタンのズレを修正
  • Windows向けagentにおいてvfs.file.regexp及びvfs.file.regmatchが取得に失敗する場合があった問題を修正
  • MIRACLE ZBX のベースとしているソフトウェアを Zabbix 2.2.14 へアップデート
  • 変更内容は以下 Changelog からの引用を参照

Bug fixes in 2.2.14:

[ZBX-11023] fixed SQL injection vulnerability in "Latest data" page (Sasha)
[ZBX-10933] fixed unexpected overwriting of trigger expressions for unchanged triggers when updating multiple triggers simultaneously via the API trigger.update method (Gunars)
[ZBX-10866] fixed calendar time for cases when local time zone differs from servers time zone (Cemeris)
[ZBX-10866] fixed starting value of time selector for events, graphs and screens (Cemeris)
[ZBX-10828] fixed server/proxy crashes when performing Simple checks with invalid key parameters hidden in user macro (viktors)
[ZBX-10819] fixed server/proxy compilation error on Solaris 10 (viktors)
[ZBX-10723] forced quoting of item key parameter if macro resolution resulted in unquoted parameter with leading spaces (gleb)
[ZBX-8096] allowed "noSuchName" to be returned for SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 (asaveljevs)

New features in 2.2.13:

[ZBX-1357] updated French, Spanish, Vietnamese translations; thanks to Zabbix translators (zalex_ua)

Bug fixes in 2.2.13:

[ZBX-10755] fixed deletion of the items which used in graph Y axis min/max parameters (Sasha)
[ZBX-10741] enforced bash usage in mysql.size user parameter configuration script to avoid issues with different default shells; thanks to Timo Lindfors for reporting it (wiper)
[ZBX-10727] fixed timeout being too low when sending configuration data to active proxy (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-6563] fixed potential incorrect data from icmppingsec item with low latency hosts (viktors)
[ZBX-10587] fixed inventory mode not being inherited for host prototypes when linking template to a template/host (Ivo)
[ZBX-10681] fixed loss of trailing whitespace in unquoted function parameters when creating calculated items with low level discovery (wiper)
[ZBX-8924] improved performance of alert.get method (Sasha)
[ZBX-8635] fixed trigger expression constructor support of value suffixes (Cemeris)
[ZBX-10674] prohibited 'band' operator for counting float values (gleb)
[ZBX-10658] fixed count() evaluation for numeric values with operator and empty pattern (gleb)
[ZBX-10312] changed sum(), str(), regexp(), iregexp() trigger functions to return 0 if there are no data in the requested range (wiper)

New features in 2.2.12:

[ZBX-1357] enabled Chinese (China), Greek, Korean, Romanian, Ukrainian, Vietnamese translations to be displayed by default (zalex_ua)
[ZBX-1357] updated Chinese (China), Chinese (Taiwan), English (United States), French, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Vietnamese translations; thanks to Zabbix translators (zalex_ua)
[ZBX-9859] improved performance of screen.get method for an unprivileged user (Sasha)

Bug fixes in 2.2.12:

[ZBX-9162] fixed performance of the hostgroup.get method under MySQL (Gunars, Sasha)
[ZBX-10493] fixed memory leak when trying to reconnect to URL (viktors)
[ZBX-6491] fixed resolving of {ITEM.VALUE} macro in "System status" widget and Monitoring -> Triggers (Gunars)
[ZBX-10510] fixed action condition time period checking (viktors)
[ZBX-10155] prohibited creation of a trigger prototype which belongs to a host and a template simultaneously (Sasha)
[ZBX-10155] prohibited creation of a trigger prototype without item prototypes in the expression (Cemeris, Sasha)
[ZBX-10155] prohibited creation of a trigger prototype without permissions to a host or template in the expression (Sasha)
[ZBX-6744] fixed "expression tree is too large (maximum depth 1000)" error when using SQLite3 in a large environment (Sasha)
[ZBX-10316] fixed the regular expression preventing from adding web scenario steps (Ivo)
[ZBX-10257] changed VMware items to become not supported if no VMware collector processes are started (viktors)
[ZBX-10262] fixed item.update modifying "delta" field for a templated item (Ivo)
[ZBX-10372] fixed searching of network interface statistics in Solaris kstat (Andris, wiper)
[ZBX-4842,ZBX-10532] improved auditing of maintenance API operations (Gunars)
[ZBX-10387] fixed overview vertical column rotation for IE in Japanese language (Ivo)
[ZBX-10369] fixed unexpected deleting of screen items in screen.update API method (Gunars)
[ZBX-10342] fixed item value not being cached by value cache if its timestamp seconds matches the oldest cached value timestamp, but the nanoseconds value is less (wiper)
[ZBX-4894] fixed fping 3.x source IP option detection (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-10320] fixed NFS based VMware datastore statistics (wiper)
[ZBX-10356] fixed user media form "send to" and "period" fields having incorrect "maxlength" property (Ivo)
[ZBX-10221] fixed MySQL transaction handling when execute query fails (dimir)
[ZBX-10366] fixed parsing of VMware responses containing too deep XML data (wiper)
[ZBX-9991] fixed functionality that adds last selected host group to new host groups list (Cemeris)
[ZBX-10319] fixed graphs consuming 100% CPU when given incorrect "stime" parameter in URL (Ivo)
[ZBX-10358] fixed error message in template screen cloning (Oleg)
[ZBX-10215] fixed host availability not being updated for connection errors on timeouting items (wiper)
[ZBX-10313] changed wmi.get[] to accept UTF-8 encoded namespace and WQL query, fixed wmi.get[] to return UTF-8 encoded strings (Sandis)
[ZBX-9661] fixed bug when VMware collectors could sometimes use 100% of CPU without processing any data (wiper)
[ZBX-8635] fixed undefined index in trigger expression constructor popup (Cemeris)
[ZBX-9938] fixed displaying incorrect number of hosts that have acknowledged problematic triggers in dashboard host status widget when "Problem display" is "Unackowledged only" in dashboard filter (Ivo)
[ZBX-10251] fixed "countOutput" calculation in map.get API method (Gunars)
[ZBX-9733] fixed possibility to start several agents on the same port on Windows (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-9991] fixed functionality that adds last selected host group to new template groups list (Cemeris)
[ZBX-10270] fixed HTTP proxy environment variables not being taken into account in Web monitoring (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-10232] fixed SQL errors with invalid "year" parameter in IT services report (Gunars)
[ZBX-1357] added more details to README file about how to add new language (zalex_ua)
[ZBX-10150] fixed "countOutput" calculation in screen.get API method (Gunars)
[ZBX-10170] fixed column names vertical rotation in Firefox v43 (Gunars)
[ZBX-9904] fixed server response when active proxy sends in historical data, info string was missing (gleb)
[ZBX-10219] fixed pointer type in sizeof() (gleb)
[ZBX-10177] fixed resource leak in sensor[] on Linux kernel versions 2.6 and higher (gleb)
[ZBX-10154] improved sender.pl script to take advantage of buffering (increases performance and makes communication with daemons more robust) (gleb)
[ZBX-10138] fixed action based host removal when hosts to be deleted have host prototypes (gleb)
[ZBX-10064] fixed history cache synchronisation with database on shutdown (viktors, wiper)
[ZBX-9458] fixed low level discovery macro substitution in calculated item formulas (wiper)
[ZBX-10110] fixed using Japanese in global search (Gunars)
[ZBX-10099] fixed buffer flushing error when executing script on a host (Gunars)
[ZBX-10077] fixed deleting of profile data for current user (Gunars)
[ZBX-10126] fixed compilation error in sensors.c on Linux 2.4 kernels (gleb)
[ZBX-10084] fixed removing trigger-related network map elements (viktors)
[ZBX-9928] fixed triple SMS being sent by single action with Cinterion MC35i modem (wiper)
[ZBX-9931] removed 2KB item key length limitation when sent to agent (viktors)
[ZBX-9932] removed 1KB zabbix_get item key length limitation (viktors)
[ZBX-9820] fixed overview of items and triggers with same name and multiple hosts (Gunars, Sasha)

