MIRACLE ZBX 2.2.11-1

MIRACLE ZBX 2.2.11-1


  • 変数の型の不一致が原因となり、イベントログ監視時に正しくないレコード行を読む場合や、読み込みができない可能性があった問題を修正(ZBX-9716)
  • "zabbix_trap_receiver.pl" をパッケージへ同梱
  • アイテムの型によって "NUMBER" もしくは "TEXT" を返すマクロ {ITEM.TYPE} を追加
  • MIRACLE ZBX サーバ終了時に一部の履歴データが書き込まれない場合がある問題の修正(ZBX-10064)
  • ML7, CentOS7, RHEL7 において MariaDB が MIRACLE ZBX サーバサービスより先に終了する可能性がある問題を修正
  • MIRACLE ZBX サーバ及び MIRACLE ZBX プロキシ終了時の終了の待機時間を変更できるように修正
  • kernel 2.4 系の Linux において、locations 変数が宣言されていないためにビルドに失敗する問題を修正
  • Solaris 11 において、"AllowRoot=1" を設定したにも関わらず root ユーザー権限で動作していなかった問題を修正
  • MIRACLE ZBX のベースとしているソフトウェアを Zabbix 2.2.11 へアップデート
  • 変更内容は以下 Changelog からの引用を参照

New features in 2.2.11:

[ZBX-2616] update bundled DejaVu font from 2.34 to 2.35 (Richlv)
[ZBX-1357] updated Czech, Italian and Russian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators (Richlv)

Bug fixes in 2.2.11:

[ZBX-8235] fixed losing initial values when updating templated items (Gunars)
[ZBX-9935] added check for item delay, to be between 0 and 86400 seconds (vitalijs)
[ZBX-9967] fixed agent compilation error on NetBSD 7 (dimir)
[ZBX-9347] added information about zabbix_sender input file format to the man page (dimir, Richlv)
[ZBX-9919] fixed y scale calculation for linear graphs (vitalijs)
[ZBX-9864] fixed compilation warnings regarding SIZE_T_MAX under NetBSD (Sasha)
[ZBX-9862] added meta tag "msapplication-config" to prevent MSIE11 requesting browserconfig.xml (Gunars)
[ZBX-9340] fixed "data" property not being returned by API when error is generated on DB level (Gunars)
[ZBX-9863] fixed compilation warning regarding "empty_str" initialization in setproctitle.c (gleb)
[ZBX-9912] fixed ITEM.LASTVALUE macro value being truncated at bytes rather than utf-8 characters (wiper)
[ZBX-9643] fixed value passing to action message from user defined macros (viktors)
[ZBX-7511] removed trimming of leading and trailing spaces in SNMP strings (gleb)
[ZBX-8899] fixed retrieval of sensor readings on Linux 2.6 and higher (gleb, wiper)
[ZBX-9917] fixed log message when opening windows eventlog (wiper)
[ZBX-9855] fixed SNMP dynamic index cache refresh when SNMP OID changes (dimir)
[ZBX-9740] improved proc.num for protected Windows processes (gleb)
[ZBX-9793] fixed handling of opaque types in SNMP (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-9895] fixed memory leak in case of unsupported field type while processing configuration received over proxy protocol (Sandis)
[ZBX-9858] added error message logging when SNMP trapper file size exceeds 2GB (wiper)
[ZBX-9666] fixed invalid SNMP dynamic index cache if 2 SNMP agents have the same IP, port and OID (dimir, igors, Sandis)
[ZBX-9796] fixed item key vfs.fs.size operation for NetBSD and HP-UX (viktors)
[ZBX-9430] fixed Windows eventlog item incorrectly interpreting 0x00000103 return value as an error (wiper)
[ZBX-9655] fixed crash if MYSQL connection object initialization failed (wiper)
[ZBX-9667] fixed disabled triggers or trigers having disabled hosts or items affecting trigger dependency calculations (wiper)
[ZBX-9738] fixed deletion of related action operations when deleting a host group (Gunars)
[ZBX-9668] improved handling of VMware performance counter instances without data (wiper)
[ZBX-9677] fixed compilation warnings in the escalator.c module (igors)
[ZBX-9682] fixed parsing of the numeric item key parameters (igors)
[ZBX-9639] fixed chart width validation (Gunars)
[ZBX-9809] fixed action operation validation (Gunars)
[ZBX-9716] fixed possible event record number wraparound issues in the old Windows Eventing support (wiper)
[ZBX-4284] improved handling of timeouting items on reachable hosts (wiper)
[ZBX-9721] fixed agent log message for log[] item in case of log records longer than 256kB (gleb)
[ZBX-7492] fixed "Undefined index" when importing host without macros (Gunars)
[ZBX-8989] moved Total memory item from Filesystems to Memory application in Template OS Windows (gleb)

