
  • 数値型アイテムの追加・削除を繰り返すと TrendCache の領域でメモリリークが発生し、設定値 TrendCacheSize のメモリ量を消費尽くすとメッセージ "zbx_mem_malloc(): out of memory" および "please increase TrendCacheSize configuration parameter" を出力して ZBX Server プロセスが終了してしまう問題を修正
  • 『重大』や『詳細』のイベントログ受信時に、マクロ {ITEM.LOG.SEVERITY} を使用すると『unknown』の文字列になってしまうため、『Critical』『Verbose』の文字列になるよう変更
  • キー『eventlog_ext』において以下マクロを使用できるよう修正
    • {ITEM.LOG.AGE}
  • Solaris 11 用パッケージの提供を開始
  • spec ファイルを更新
  • Systemd のサービスファイルを更新
  • MIRACLE ZBX のベースとしているソフトウェアを Zabbix 2.2.8 へアップデート
    変更内容は以下 Changelog からの引用を参照

New features in 2.2.8:

[ZBX-4054] added support for SNMP values of type OID (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-1357] updated Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, Polish and Russian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators (Richlv)

Bug fixes in 2.2.8:

[ZBX-8582] fixed SQL injection vulnerability in bar graphs (Ivo, Pavels)
[ZBX-8873] fixed incorrect event being generated after maintenance in case there are out of order events due to proxy (asaveljevs, Sasha)
[ZBX-8882] fixed message logging on DB2 errors (igors)
[ZBX-8992] made Zabbix prefer the threshold sensor over a discrete sensor, in case both are available under the same name (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-8506] fixed memory leak in wmi.get[]; thanks to Pedro Nunes for patch (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-9016] fixed items not being processed again in case these items or their hosts are disabled and then reenabled (asaveljevs, Sasha)
[ZBX-5077] fixed percentile calculation formula and corrected accessed index, by which value is selected (arvids)
[ZBX-8486] fixed re-linking templates with web scenarios (Krists)
[ZBX-8919] fixed range selection in graphs in IE10 and IE11 (arvids)
[ZBX-9017] fixed hostgroup.create and hostgroup.update API calls allowing setting readonly "internal" param (arvids)
[ZBX-9004] fixed visible corners in table cells in eventlog history (arvids)
[ZBX-8928] fixed history-related macros to obey the ZBX_HISTORY_PERIOD (arvids)
[ZBX-8952] fixed bug where an action condition of matching parent templates of a trigger worked with only the first template (Juris)
[ZBX-8982] turned strict OID validation off for single-variable SNMP requests (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-8328] fixed UTF-8 string truncation for IBM DB2 databases to fit the column width (wiper)
[ZBX-8850] fixed fatal error in graph generation when there is no data and ZBX_UNITS_ROUNDOFF_LOWER_LIMIT is set to "2" (Krists)
[ZBX-8476] fixed queue being calculated incorrectly when there is even a slight time difference between server and proxy (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-8832] fixed template application inheritance when linking template other templates (Krists)
[ZBX-8978] fixed propagation of the interfaces into discovered hosts in same order as in the parent host (Sasha)
[ZBX-8849] fixed redundant linking with -lcrypto when linking with Net-SNMP (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-8913] fixed JSON validation sometimes failing to process utf-8 sequences (wiper)
[ZBX-6542] updated description of HousekeepingFrequency parameter in the default server and proxy configuration files (Sasha)
[ZBX-8833] fixed dynamic SNMP item cache working incorrectly for hosts with multiple SNMP interfaces, optimized cache performance (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-8904] fixed item.get API to not read all host interfaces when option "selectInterfaces" is used (Krists)
[ZBX-8538] added Net-SNMP retry of 1 for cases where Zabbix will not be retrying itself (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-8538] changed the strategy to decrease the optimal number of variables two times only (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-8232] fixed performance issues in maps (Ivo)
[ZBX-8948] fixed memory leak when checking Template condition during action processing (wiper)
[ZBX-6353] improved history cache performance when it's flooded with data from less than 1000 items (wiper)

