MIRACLE ZBX2.0 アップデート情報一覧
MIRACLE ZBX 2.0.21-4
- Windows の MIRACLE ZBX Agent インストーラーで 2.0.3-1~2.0.19-1 の任意のバージョンと 2.0.20-1~2.0.21-3 の任意のバージョン間で, 更新インストールができない問題を修正
- Solaris 11 のパッケージにおいて特定のディレクトリの所有者設定が正しくなかった問題を修正
- MIRACLE ZBX の内部動作 alert テーブルの処理単位を 30 件に変更
- アクションの実行条件で期間を設定した場合イベント発生時の時刻で比較せず, 特定の関数内で現在の時刻を取得して比較していた問題の修正のバックポート [ZBX-10510]
- MIRACLE ZBX 2.0.21-3 において弊社独自に行った CVE-2017-2824 の修正内容 を [ZBX-12349] の修正に変更 (動作に違いはありません。)
- フロントエンドにおけるセキュリティ問題の修正をバックポート [DEV-593]
- ウェブ監視のシナリオ作成・更新時に "ヒストリ保存期間" と "トレンド保存期間" をユーザが任意の値を設定できるように拡張
- ブラウザによって概要ページのカラムが縦に表示されない問題を修正
- MIRACLE ZBX の Web UI のセキュリティ向上のために "Options -FollowSymLinks" の追加, "GET" と "POST" 以外を制限
- Windows の MIRACLE ZBX Agent の設定ファイルにおいて以下を修正
- "#PidFile..." の記述を削除
- "LogType" パラメータの説明を追記 - このバージョンから Windows 2000 と Windows 2003 (R2含む) における MIRACLE ZBX Agent はサポート対象環境に含まれなくなります
- Solaris 9 および 10 において MIRACLE ZBX Agent パッケージのインストール時に zabbix_agentd.conf を zabbix_agentd.conf.new として生成するように変更
従来は zabbix_agentd.conf をそのまま上書きしていましたが, Solaris 11 と同じ挙動となります - アクティブチェックによるホストの自動登録において IP アドレス欄に任意の文字列を登録でき,コマンドとして実行できる脆弱性を修正 [ZBX-12349]
この修正は [ZBX-12349] と同等の修正になります - MIRACLE ZBX のベースとしているソフトウェアを Zabbix 2.0.21 へアップデート
- 変更内容は以下 Changelog からの引用を参照
Bug fixes in 2.0.21:
[ZBX-12075] fixed security vulnerability with execution of the remote commands on server; thanks to Lilith Wyatt, Cisco Systems (gleb)
[ZBX-12076] fixed security vulnerability with execution of the remote commands on proxy; thanks to Lilith Wyatt, Cisco Systems (gleb)
[ZBX-11479] fixed threaded metric to handle interruption by a signal (vso)
[ZBX-12076] fixed security vulnerability with execution of the remote commands on proxy; thanks to Lilith Wyatt, Cisco Systems (gleb)
[ZBX-11479] fixed threaded metric to handle interruption by a signal (vso)
- Windows 向け Agent のインストーラのタイトルやアイコンを変更
この変更は動作に影響を及ぼすものではありません - AIX 版パッケージに含まれる zabbix_agentd.conf において PidFile のデフォルト値のコメントが誤っていた問題を修正
- MIRACLE ZBX のベースとしているソフトウェアを Zabbix 2.0.20 へアップデート
- 変更内容は以下 Changelog からの引用を参照
Bug fixes in 2.0.20:
[ZBX-4661] fixed possible crash when Oracle database is not available (vso)
[ZBX-11521] fixed JS error in media popup (Oleg)
[ZBX-11483] improved API script.execute validation (Oleg)
[ZBX-9781] changed vfs.fs.size, vfs.fs.inode checks to be executed in separate process/thread to avoid lockup with stale NFS mounts (wiper)
[ZBX-11219] renamed second argument for net.dns and net.dns.record items from "zone" to "name" (Cemeris)
[ZBX-11521] fixed JS error in media popup (Oleg)
[ZBX-11483] improved API script.execute validation (Oleg)
[ZBX-9781] changed vfs.fs.size, vfs.fs.inode checks to be executed in separate process/thread to avoid lockup with stale NFS mounts (wiper)
[ZBX-11219] renamed second argument for net.dns and net.dns.record items from "zone" to "name" (Cemeris)
- systemd に起因する問題により各サービスが正常に停止できない場合があった問題を修正
MIRACLE ZBX 2.0.19 以前の 2.0 系を ML7, CentOS7, RHEL7, Oracle Linux 7 でご利用の場合、
今回の修正により systemd のバージョンが 219-3 以上であることを要求するようになりました。
systemd を使用していない他の OS の環境ではこの問題は発生しません。 - ML5, CentOS5, RHEL5, Oracle Linux 5, Scientific Linux 5 において、 "jdk" を要求しなくなりました。
これによって Oracle 社製 Java 環境に代わって OpenJDK を使用することも可能になりました。 - Windows 環境において、 複数の Agent が同じポートを用いて起動する可能性がある問題をバックポートし修正 (ZBX-9733)
- メンテナンス中に、タイマープロセスが監視されていないホストを処理しない問題をバックポートし修正 (ZBX-9413)
- 共有メモリ領域でメモリリークが発生する可能性がある問題をバックポートし修正 (ZBX-11170)
- PostgreSQL 環境において、MIRACLE ZBX サーバー側のカスタムスクリプトもしくはグローバルスクリプトを使用してアクション実行時に標準出力した場合、プロセスがクラッシュしていた問題を修正
- トリガーの深刻度を表す文字列をメニューから変更した際、イベント画面のフィルター選択画面に正しく反映されなかった問題を修正
- MIRACLE ZBX 自体のログのログローテーション処理において、ローテートされた古いファイルにデータが書き込まれ続ける可能性がある問題を改善
- 一括更新で差分値が変更されてしまう問題を修正 (ZBX-10262)
- Web監視を TLS1.0 以降に対応(SSL2.0 および SSL3.0 のみ対応の Web ページは非対応になりました)
- 変数の型の不一致が原因となり、イベントログ監視時に正しくないレコード行を読む場合や、読み込みができない可能性があった問題を修正 (ZBX-9716)
- Solaris 11 において、"AllowRoot=1" を設定したにも関わらず root ユーザー権限で動作していなかった問題を修正
- MIRACLE ZBX Agent の Windows Server 2016 対応
- MIRACLE ZBX のベースとしているソフトウェアを Zabbix 2.0.19 へアップデート
変更内容は以下 Changelog からの引用を参照
Bug fixes in 2.0.19:
[ZBX-7108] fixed error when upgrading graph_theme table in proxy database from 1.8 to 2.0 (vso)
[ZBX-10819] fixed server/proxy compilation error on Solaris 10 (viktors)
[ZBX-10819] fixed server/proxy compilation error on Solaris 10 (viktors)
New features in 2.0.18:
[ZBX-1357] updated French translation; thanks to Zabbix translators (zalex_ua)
Bug fixes in 2.0.18:
[ZBX-10741] enforced bash usage in mysql.size user parameter configuration script to avoid issues with different default shells; thanks to Timo Lindfors for reporting it (wiper)
[ZBX-10727] fixed timeout being too low when sending configuration data to active proxy (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-10681] fixed loss of trailing whitespace in unquoted function parameters when creating calculated items with low level discovery (wiper)
[ZBX-10727] fixed timeout being too low when sending configuration data to active proxy (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-10681] fixed loss of trailing whitespace in unquoted function parameters when creating calculated items with low level discovery (wiper)
New features in 2.0.17:
[ZBX-1357] updated English (United States), French, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Ukrainian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators (zalex_ua)
Bug fixes in 2.0.17:
[ZBX-6744] fixed "expression tree is too large (maximum depth 1000)" error when using SQLite3 in a large environment (Sasha)
[ZBX-10316] fixed the regular expression preventing from adding web scenario steps (Ivo)
[ZBX-10221] fixed MySQL transaction handling when execute query fails (dimir)
[ZBX-10358] fixed error message in template screen cloning (Oleg)
[ZBX-10365] fixed inconsistencies in schema.inc.php with schema.tmpl (Sasha)
[ZBX-10232] fixed SQL errors with invalid "year" parameter in IT services report (Gunars)
[ZBX-1357] added more details to README file about how to add new language (zalex_ua)
[ZBX-10064] fixed history cache synchronisation with database on shutdown (viktors, wiper)
[ZBX-9458] fixed low level discovery macro substitution in calculated item formulas (wiper)
[ZBX-9928] fixed triple SMS being sent by single action with Cinterion MC35i modem (wiper)
[ZBX-10316] fixed the regular expression preventing from adding web scenario steps (Ivo)
[ZBX-10221] fixed MySQL transaction handling when execute query fails (dimir)
[ZBX-10358] fixed error message in template screen cloning (Oleg)
[ZBX-10365] fixed inconsistencies in schema.inc.php with schema.tmpl (Sasha)
[ZBX-10232] fixed SQL errors with invalid "year" parameter in IT services report (Gunars)
[ZBX-1357] added more details to README file about how to add new language (zalex_ua)
[ZBX-10064] fixed history cache synchronisation with database on shutdown (viktors, wiper)
[ZBX-9458] fixed low level discovery macro substitution in calculated item formulas (wiper)
[ZBX-9928] fixed triple SMS being sent by single action with Cinterion MC35i modem (wiper)
- ML7, CentOS7, RHEL7 において MIRACLE ZBX サーバサービスが MariaDB より先に終了する可能性がある問題を修正
- MIRACLE ZBX サーバ及び MIRACLE ZBX プロキシ終了時の終了の待機時間を変更できるように修正
- Solaris 11 において MIRACLE ZBX エージェントをアンインストールしても "zabbix-agent" サービスが残る問題を修正
- MIRACLE ZBX サーバ終了時に一部の履歴データが書き込まれない場合がある問題の修正
- MIRACLE ZBX のベースとしているソフトウェアを Zabbix 2.0.16 へアップデート
変更内容は以下 Changelog からの引用を参照
New features:
[ZBX-1357] updated Czech and Russian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators (Richlv)
Bug fixes:
[ZBX-8235] fixed losing initial values when updating templated items (Gunars)
[ZBX-9935] added check for item delay, to be between 0 and 86400 seconds (vitalijs)
[ZBX-9858] added error message logging when SNMP trapper file size exceeds 2GB (wiper)
[ZBX-9738] fixed deletion of related action operations when deleting a host group (Gunars)
[ZBX-9677] fixed compilation warnings in the escalator.c module (igors)
[ZBX-9639] fixed chart width validation (Gunars)
[ZBX-9809] fixed action operation validation (Gunars)
[ZBX-9721] fixed agent log message for log[] item in case of log records longer than 256kB (gleb)
[ZBX-8989] moved Total memory item from Filesystems to Memory application in Template OS Windows (gleb)
[ZBX-9935] added check for item delay, to be between 0 and 86400 seconds (vitalijs)
[ZBX-9858] added error message logging when SNMP trapper file size exceeds 2GB (wiper)
[ZBX-9738] fixed deletion of related action operations when deleting a host group (Gunars)
[ZBX-9677] fixed compilation warnings in the escalator.c module (igors)
[ZBX-9639] fixed chart width validation (Gunars)
[ZBX-9809] fixed action operation validation (Gunars)
[ZBX-9721] fixed agent log message for log[] item in case of log records longer than 256kB (gleb)
[ZBX-8989] moved Total memory item from Filesystems to Memory application in Template OS Windows (gleb)
- 変数の型の不一致が原因となり、イベントログ監視時に正しくないレコード行を読む場合や、読み込みができない可能性があった問題を修正 (ZBX-9716)
- ZBX-9655 をバックポートし、MySQL のコネクションオブジェクトの初期化に失敗した場合にクラッシュする可能性があった問題を修正(ZBX-9655)
- ZBX-9430 をバックポートし、イベントログの削除などを行った際に、Windows のイベントログが 0x00000103 を返した場合にエラーとして処理してしまう問題を修正(ZBX-9430)
- MIRACLE ZBX のベースとしているソフトウェアを Zabbix 2.0.15 へアップデート
変更内容は以下 Changelog からの引用を参照
New features in 2.0.15:
[ZBXNEXT-786] made net.tcp.service[ntp] item work over UDP (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-8839] added timeout configuration option to Java gateway (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-1357] updated Czech, Japanese and Polish translations; thanks to Zabbix translators (Richlv)
[ZBX-8839] added timeout configuration option to Java gateway (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-1357] updated Czech, Japanese and Polish translations; thanks to Zabbix translators (Richlv)
Bug fixes in 2.0.15:
[ZBX-9703] fixed a memory leak in SSH checks when configured public and/or private key is not a regular file (Sandis)
[ZBX-9657] fixed timeout error being recognized as success when executing scripts on nodes (wiper)
[ZBX-9623] fixed possible SQL error when network discovery rule and LLD rule are processed at the same time (dimir)
[ZBX-9592] fixed possible crash due to uninitialized counterpath variable (igors)
[ZBX-9290] fixed log file reloading if its size is updated later than modification time (igors)
[ZBX-9456] fixed sustem.cpu.util item to work correctly on OpenBSD 5.7 (igors)
[ZBX-4529] fixed security vulnerability in alerter script execution by using strong quoting for script arguments; thanks to Pavel for the report (wiper)
[ZBX-8299] fixed SQL errors in case a network discovery rule or check is deleted during processing (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-9467] fixed agent compilation error related to "ifnet" and "ifnet_head" structs on OpenBSD 5.5 and above (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-5717] fixed incorrect calculation of icmppingloss[] due to floating-point errors (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-9436] fixed zabbix_server to not exit in case of database connection loss in the middle of transaction (dimir)
[ZBX-9352] fixed execution of remote commands on the server in case trigger expression contains multiple hosts (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-3507] fixed SMS sending with Huawei GSM modems (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-9251] added missing socket closing to avoid large number of opened sockets (igors)
[ZBX-9410] fixed agent logging to eventlog (syslog option) on Windows (wiper)
[ZBX-9367] fixed "Status of Zabbix" and "System status" widget default refresh intervals (Ivo)
[ZBX-5656] fixed maintenance.create and maintenance.update methods "timeperiods" parameter to be an array of arrays (Ivo)
[ZBX-9331] changed value type of system.stat[kthr,*] items in "Template OS AIX" to float and added them to "Performance" application (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-9368] fixed possible SQL errors when linking of several templates (Sasha)
[ZBX-9344] fixed infinite looping in telnet.run[] in case there is no password prompt (asaveljevs, dimir)
[ZBX-9281] fixed undefined offset in template screens when resource is URL (Ivo)
[ZBX-4633] fixed host inventories not displaying all filtered results when record count exceeds global limit (Ivo)
[ZBX-9284] added Zabbix log file locking to avoid incomplete logging on log file rotation (igors)
[ZBX-9087] fixed DB_ID validation expression to properly validate upper bound of received value and fixed various front-end forms not properly validating IDs (Krists, Ivo)
[ZBX-9241] fixed possible vfs.fs.discovery item crash on AIX systems (wiper)
[ZBX-9104] fixed repeated error messaging if SSH channel failed to close (igors)
[ZBX-8993] added check for a valid reference of a global regular expression in LLD rules (igors)
[ZBX-9088] fixed parsing of SNMP traps for correct processing of delayed traps (igors)
[ZBX-9093] fixed API host.create method for MySQL strict mode when given partial data in "inventory" property (Ivo)
[ZBX-9168] fixed incorrect keys and added missing keys in the item key helper (Richlv)
[ZBX-9197] fixed PHP fatal error "Call to undefined function array_fill_keys()" in trigger.get method with PHP<5.2.0 (Sasha)
[ZBX-9195] fixed lastlogsize and mtime being updated on proxy for unsupported items; thanks to Yoshinori Komuro for patch (asaveljevs, Sasha)
[ZBX-8828] made ICMP items go unsupported if ICMP packets cannot be sent to their host (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-9176] fixed {DISCOVERY.SERVICE.NAME} macro to expand properly for HTTPS and Telnet services (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-9126] fixed processing of trigger/graph prototypes in case when all item prototypes in trigger/graph prototypes were changed (Sasha)
[ZBX-9657] fixed timeout error being recognized as success when executing scripts on nodes (wiper)
[ZBX-9623] fixed possible SQL error when network discovery rule and LLD rule are processed at the same time (dimir)
[ZBX-9592] fixed possible crash due to uninitialized counterpath variable (igors)
[ZBX-9290] fixed log file reloading if its size is updated later than modification time (igors)
[ZBX-9456] fixed sustem.cpu.util item to work correctly on OpenBSD 5.7 (igors)
[ZBX-4529] fixed security vulnerability in alerter script execution by using strong quoting for script arguments; thanks to Pavel for the report (wiper)
[ZBX-8299] fixed SQL errors in case a network discovery rule or check is deleted during processing (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-9467] fixed agent compilation error related to "ifnet" and "ifnet_head" structs on OpenBSD 5.5 and above (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-5717] fixed incorrect calculation of icmppingloss[] due to floating-point errors (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-9436] fixed zabbix_server to not exit in case of database connection loss in the middle of transaction (dimir)
[ZBX-9352] fixed execution of remote commands on the server in case trigger expression contains multiple hosts (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-3507] fixed SMS sending with Huawei GSM modems (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-9251] added missing socket closing to avoid large number of opened sockets (igors)
[ZBX-9410] fixed agent logging to eventlog (syslog option) on Windows (wiper)
[ZBX-9367] fixed "Status of Zabbix" and "System status" widget default refresh intervals (Ivo)
[ZBX-5656] fixed maintenance.create and maintenance.update methods "timeperiods" parameter to be an array of arrays (Ivo)
[ZBX-9331] changed value type of system.stat[kthr,*] items in "Template OS AIX" to float and added them to "Performance" application (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-9368] fixed possible SQL errors when linking of several templates (Sasha)
[ZBX-9344] fixed infinite looping in telnet.run[] in case there is no password prompt (asaveljevs, dimir)
[ZBX-9281] fixed undefined offset in template screens when resource is URL (Ivo)
[ZBX-4633] fixed host inventories not displaying all filtered results when record count exceeds global limit (Ivo)
[ZBX-9284] added Zabbix log file locking to avoid incomplete logging on log file rotation (igors)
[ZBX-9087] fixed DB_ID validation expression to properly validate upper bound of received value and fixed various front-end forms not properly validating IDs (Krists, Ivo)
[ZBX-9241] fixed possible vfs.fs.discovery item crash on AIX systems (wiper)
[ZBX-9104] fixed repeated error messaging if SSH channel failed to close (igors)
[ZBX-8993] added check for a valid reference of a global regular expression in LLD rules (igors)
[ZBX-9088] fixed parsing of SNMP traps for correct processing of delayed traps (igors)
[ZBX-9093] fixed API host.create method for MySQL strict mode when given partial data in "inventory" property (Ivo)
[ZBX-9168] fixed incorrect keys and added missing keys in the item key helper (Richlv)
[ZBX-9197] fixed PHP fatal error "Call to undefined function array_fill_keys()" in trigger.get method with PHP<5.2.0 (Sasha)
[ZBX-9195] fixed lastlogsize and mtime being updated on proxy for unsupported items; thanks to Yoshinori Komuro for patch (asaveljevs, Sasha)
[ZBX-8828] made ICMP items go unsupported if ICMP packets cannot be sent to their host (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-9176] fixed {DISCOVERY.SERVICE.NAME} macro to expand properly for HTTPS and Telnet services (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-9126] fixed processing of trigger/graph prototypes in case when all item prototypes in trigger/graph prototypes were changed (Sasha)
MIRACLE ZBX 2.0.14-2
- 数値型アイテムの追加・削除を繰り返すと TrendCache の領域でメモリリークが発生し、設定値 TrendCacheSize のメモリ量を消費尽くすとメッセージ "zbx_mem_malloc(): out of memory" および "please increase TrendCacheSize configuration parameter" を出力して ZBX Server プロセスが終了してしまう問題を修正
- 特定条件下における TCP 接続失敗処理において、ソケットファイルを閉じないためにファイルディスクリプタの使用上限に達してしまう可能性があった問題をバックポートし修正 (ZBX-9251)
- JMX 監視において、オブジェクトタイプ "javax.management.openmbean.TabularDataSupport" を監視可能にするよう機能拡張
- proc_info[] キーの第 2 引数 attribute として、プロセスのカーネル時間『ktime』とユーザー時間『utime』を合計した『cpu_time』を使用できるよう拡張
- グラフ画面の CSV 出力リンク作成のための弊社機能拡張により発生していた、Web 監視の "response time" グラフ画面のドラッグ&ドロップ操作が正常に動作していなかった問題を修正
- エージェントタイプ監視やリモートコマンドにおいて、アイテムキー文字列が 2048 バイト以上の場合、2047バイトまでの文字列をアイテムキーとして使用し、不正な監視やリモートコマンドを実行してしまう問題を修正
- アイテムキー文字列が 2048 バイト以上の場合、『取得不可』として監視やリモートコマンドを実行しないよう修正
- メンテナンス期間中に復旧メッセージが送信されてしまう場合があった問題を修正
- Windows の Agent において正規表現使用時にメモリリークが発生する問題、およびスレッドセーフでなかった問題を修正
- CentOS7, RHEL7 用のパッケージを追加し、systemd からの起動に対応
- Solaris 11 用パッケージの提供を開始
- MIRACLE LINUX 5, CentOS5, RHEL5 において、関数 array_fill_keys() が存在しないために PHP がエラーになってしまう問題をバックポートし修正 (ZBX-9197)
- spec ファイルを更新
- MIRACLE ZBX のベースとしているソフトウェアを Zabbix 2.0.14 へアップデート
変更内容は以下 Changelog からの引用を参照
New features in 2.0.14:
[ZBX-8503] increased limitation of command length for remote commands with agent (Sasha)
[ZBX-1357] updated Italian, Polish and Spanish translations; thanks to Zabbix translators (Richlv)
[ZBX-1357] updated Italian, Polish and Spanish translations; thanks to Zabbix translators (Richlv)
Bug fixes in 2.0.14:
[ZBX-8582] fixed SQL injection vulnerability in bar graphs (Ivo, Pavels)
[ZBX-5077] fixed percentile calculation formula and corrected accessed index, by which value is selected (arvids)
[ZBX-8952] fixed bug where an action condition of matching parent templates of a trigger worked with only the first template (Juris)
[ZBX-6542] updated description of HousekeepingFrequency parameter in the default server and proxy configuration files (Sasha)
[ZBX-8833] fixed dynamic SNMP item cache working incorrectly for hosts with multiple SNMP interfaces (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-8948] fixed memory leak when checking Template condition during action processing (wiper)
[ZBX-6174] fixed "skipDependent" option in trigger.get API call to correctly handle cases when triggers on which they depend are disabled (Krists)
[ZBX-8754] fixed crash in escalator when processing an alert without an user, but with a media type set (wiper)
[ZBX-8693] fixed "Add" button in Configuration->Triggers->Create Trigger->Add for IE11 (arvids)
[ZBX-8815] fixed adding of host groups to the host by discovery action (Sasha)
[ZBX-8798] fixed evaluation of trigger expressions where a suffixed number is followed by a subtraction (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-8679] removed outdated and unused images (Richlv)
[ZBX-8700] fixed possible SQL error in details of web scenario (Oleg)
[ZBX-8595] fixed incorrect event message when handling eventlog (dimir)
[ZBX-5077] fixed percentile calculation formula and corrected accessed index, by which value is selected (arvids)
[ZBX-8952] fixed bug where an action condition of matching parent templates of a trigger worked with only the first template (Juris)
[ZBX-6542] updated description of HousekeepingFrequency parameter in the default server and proxy configuration files (Sasha)
[ZBX-8833] fixed dynamic SNMP item cache working incorrectly for hosts with multiple SNMP interfaces (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-8948] fixed memory leak when checking Template condition during action processing (wiper)
[ZBX-6174] fixed "skipDependent" option in trigger.get API call to correctly handle cases when triggers on which they depend are disabled (Krists)
[ZBX-8754] fixed crash in escalator when processing an alert without an user, but with a media type set (wiper)
[ZBX-8693] fixed "Add" button in Configuration->Triggers->Create Trigger->Add for IE11 (arvids)
[ZBX-8815] fixed adding of host groups to the host by discovery action (Sasha)
[ZBX-8798] fixed evaluation of trigger expressions where a suffixed number is followed by a subtraction (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-8679] removed outdated and unused images (Richlv)
[ZBX-8700] fixed possible SQL error in details of web scenario (Oleg)
[ZBX-8595] fixed incorrect event message when handling eventlog (dimir)
MIRACLE ZBX 2.0.13-1
- アクション時に、スクリプトタイプのメディアを使用したアクションを実行する場合、『`』、『$』、『~』、『@』などの特殊文字がエスケープさ れずに /bin/sh へ渡されるため、アクションの文面にこれらの特殊文字が存在する場合にコマンドインジェクトされる可能性のあった問題を修正 (ZBX-4529)
- コマンドインジェクトされた場合は、zabbix-server を実行しているマシンにおいて zabbix ユーザー権限で任意のコマンドが実行可能になります。
- {ITEM.VALUE} などのマクロを使用した外部からの入力をアクションの文面に表示される設定をしていない場合は、外部からコマンドインジェクトされる可能性はありません。
- パッケージバージョン表記を "zabbix-2.0.13-1ML6.x86_64.rpm" を "zabbix-2.0.13-1.ML6.x86_64.rpm" のように、OS 名の前に "." を入れる形式へ変更
- ZBX-4800 の変更を同じく適用し、org-json-2010-12-28.jar を android-json-4.3_r3.1.jar へ差し替え
- MIRACLE ZBX のベースとしているソフトウェアを Zabbix 2.0.13 へアップデート
- 変更内容は以下 Changelog からの引用を参照
New features in 2.0.13:
[ZBX-1357] updated Slovak and Ukrainian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators (Richlv)
Bug fixes in 2.0.13:
[ZBX-3407] fixed NVPS query to not fail on DB2 (Krists)
[ZBX-8646] added a warning on UNIX/GNU/Linux platforms if logrt[] directory has no 'execute' permission (Andris)
[ZBX-8629] fixed crash in get_string() function when checking "Database monitor" items (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-4800] replaced JSON.org library with Android JSON library; thanks to Volker Fröhlich for legal research (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-6229] removed pretty formatting from Java gateway JSON responses (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-4800] fixed typo in item name in "Template JMX Generic": "mpTenured" -> "mp Tenured" (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-8608] added support of IP masks for action conditions (Sasha)
[ZBX-8151] fixed XXE vulnerability on XML import using obsolete libxml versions; thanks to pnig0s@Freebuf for the report (Andrejs)
[ZBX-8358] fixed overview screen elements being displayed incorrectly after refreshing (Pavels)
[ZBX-8348] fixed processing of LLD triggers; functions in a trigger expression could have incorrect ordering (Sasha)
[ZBX-8343] fixed a bug in binary heap that could cause a slightly inconsistent ordering of elements in the queue (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-8327] fixed possible crash when processing Windows eventlog (wiper)
[ZBX-8188] fixed IPMI items staying supported when sensor data becomes unavailable (asaveljevs, dimir)
[ZBX-7576] when pinging a broadcast address ignore responses from other addresses (wiper)
[ZBX-6531] fixed memory leak in filesystem discovery on AIX systems (Juris)
[ZBX-8241] fixed duplicate display of actions in media type list (Andrejs)
[ZBX-8269] fixed processing of active checks in agent (Andris)
[ZBX-8238] fixed updating agent 'mtime' for logrt[] items; thanks to Yoshinori Komuro for patch (Andris)
[ZBX-7098] improved handling of log file rotation/truncation for logrt[] and log[] items (Andris)
[ZBX-8198] decreased verbosity of Windows agent with DebugLevel=4 (Nikolaj)
[ZBX-7875] fixed wrongly reported system version for Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 R2 (Nikolaj, wiper)
[ZBX-8646] added a warning on UNIX/GNU/Linux platforms if logrt[] directory has no 'execute' permission (Andris)
[ZBX-8629] fixed crash in get_string() function when checking "Database monitor" items (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-4800] replaced JSON.org library with Android JSON library; thanks to Volker Fröhlich for legal research (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-6229] removed pretty formatting from Java gateway JSON responses (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-4800] fixed typo in item name in "Template JMX Generic": "mpTenured" -> "mp Tenured" (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-8608] added support of IP masks for action conditions (Sasha)
[ZBX-8151] fixed XXE vulnerability on XML import using obsolete libxml versions; thanks to pnig0s@Freebuf for the report (Andrejs)
[ZBX-8358] fixed overview screen elements being displayed incorrectly after refreshing (Pavels)
[ZBX-8348] fixed processing of LLD triggers; functions in a trigger expression could have incorrect ordering (Sasha)
[ZBX-8343] fixed a bug in binary heap that could cause a slightly inconsistent ordering of elements in the queue (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-8327] fixed possible crash when processing Windows eventlog (wiper)
[ZBX-8188] fixed IPMI items staying supported when sensor data becomes unavailable (asaveljevs, dimir)
[ZBX-7576] when pinging a broadcast address ignore responses from other addresses (wiper)
[ZBX-6531] fixed memory leak in filesystem discovery on AIX systems (Juris)
[ZBX-8241] fixed duplicate display of actions in media type list (Andrejs)
[ZBX-8269] fixed processing of active checks in agent (Andris)
[ZBX-8238] fixed updating agent 'mtime' for logrt[] items; thanks to Yoshinori Komuro for patch (Andris)
[ZBX-7098] improved handling of log file rotation/truncation for logrt[] and log[] items (Andris)
[ZBX-8198] decreased verbosity of Windows agent with DebugLevel=4 (Nikolaj)
[ZBX-7875] fixed wrongly reported system version for Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 R2 (Nikolaj, wiper)
MIRACLE ZBX 2.0.12-2
- Windows イベントログを『イベントログ本文』、『深刻度』、『ソース』、『イベント ID』の複合条件によってフィルターする機能について、Web 画面表示上の問題を修正
機能詳細は以下 URL をご参照ください。
MIRACLE ZBX 2.0.12-1
- Windows イベントログを『イベントログ本文』、『深刻度』、『ソース』、『イベント ID』の複合条件によってフィルターする機能を追加
機能詳細は以下 URL をご参照ください。
- ZBX-8151 のセキュリティーフィックスをバックポート、および ML5, CentOS5, RHEL5 でも正常動作するよう一部変更
- Proxy からのデータ送信時の、データ抜け発生防止用のリトライ回数の設定値 ProxyGetHistoryDataRetries について修正
- 動作状況によって、無限にリトライが繰り替えされる可能性があった問題を修正
- ProxyGetHistoryDataRetries の設定をするとサービス起動しない問題を修正
- ProxyGetHistoryDataRetries としてマイナス値(無限リトライ設定)を設定できないよう変更
- ログローテートをしているにも関わらず、アラートプロセスや監視プロセスが古いログファイルへログを出力する場合がある問題の修正をアップデート
- イベントログ収集時にエージェントがクラッシュする可能性のある問題を修正
- グラフ画面の CSV 出力リンクを "CSV" リンクのみへ変更
- MIRACLE ZBX のベースとしているソフトウェアを Zabbix 2.0.12 へアップデート
- 変更内容は以下 Changelog からの引用を参照
New features in 2.0.12:
[ZBX-7811] added example robots.txt file (Richlv)
[ZBXNEXT-1889] made startup.sh and shutdown.sh scripts for Java gateway work in /bin/sh (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-7597] added description of the returned value types to the agentd manpage (Richlv)
[ZBX-1357] updated Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Persian, Russian, Slovak and Ukrainian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators (Richlv)
[ZBXNEXT-1889] made startup.sh and shutdown.sh scripts for Java gateway work in /bin/sh (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-7597] added description of the returned value types to the agentd manpage (Richlv)
[ZBX-1357] updated Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Persian, Russian, Slovak and Ukrainian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators (Richlv)
Bug fixes in 2.0.12:
ZBX-8181] fixed possible entering of "history syncer" process in an eternal loop when processing IT services (dimir)
[ZBX-7856] fixed zbx_stat() not working with directories in Windows (wiper)
[ZBX-7301] do not put logrt[] item into unsupported state if log files do not exist (fixed as part of ZBX-6731 solution) (Andris)
[ZBX-8111] fixed possible XSS in tables with vertical header row cells (Krists)
[ZBX-8108] fixed reading /proc virtual files without rewinding the file position (Juris)
[ZBX-7825] fixed saving of the history data in sequential time order on proxy side (Sasha)
[ZBX-4675] added error checks to avoid partial configuration loading (dimir)
[ZBX-6542] added additional information in the default server configuration file about HousekeepingFrequency parameter (Sasha)
[ZBX-7856] added workaround for Windows _wstat64() not working with symlinks (wiper)
[ZBX-8030] fixed {HOSTNAME} macro resolving (Eduard)
[ZBX-7046] fixed get_ip_by_socket returning an empty string for IPv4 addresses when Zabbix is compiled with IPv6 support (Juris)
[ZBX-7966] fixed possibility to copy a templated graph (Ivo)
[ZBX-7930] improved execution time in Maintenance page (Ivo)
[ZBX-7872] removed discovery item prototype from calculation of required performace (NVPS) (igors)
[ZBX-5778] removed counting items in queue if host is in maintenance with no data collection (igors)
[ZBX-6151] fixed graph prototype and trigger prototype validation so item prototypes are no longer allowed from multiple discovery rules and fixed filter by flags not overriding in item.get method (Ivo)
[ZBX-5804] added overflow/wrapping detection to calculated items (Juris)
[ZBX-7659] fixed handling of hosts without any interfaces (Juris)
[ZBX-5379] added stale PID file detection for Java gateway (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-5558] fixed Java gateway error messages not being shown in the console on startup (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-6731] faster processing of log files by agent on Unix (Andris)
[ZBX-6729] faster processing of log files by agent on Microsoft Windows (Andris)
[ZBX-6933] added substitution of eventlog parameter insertion strings (wiper)
[ZBX-7853] changed log level from warning to information when listener, active checks and collector processes start (igors)
[ZBX-7674] implemented batch processing of IT services to resolve deadlocks and improve performance (Eduard, wiper)
[ZBX-5789] improved performance of processing discovered graphs by the low-level discovery rule (Sasha)
[ZBX-5789] fixed updating of low-level discovered graphs: the graph identifier never will change (Sasha)
[ZBX-7708] fixed trigger prototype error message and trigger form default description value (Oleg)
[ZBX-7739] removed unused label in screen configuration page when no elements exist (Eduard)
[ZBX-7856] fixed zbx_stat() not working with directories in Windows (wiper)
[ZBX-7301] do not put logrt[] item into unsupported state if log files do not exist (fixed as part of ZBX-6731 solution) (Andris)
[ZBX-8111] fixed possible XSS in tables with vertical header row cells (Krists)
[ZBX-8108] fixed reading /proc virtual files without rewinding the file position (Juris)
[ZBX-7825] fixed saving of the history data in sequential time order on proxy side (Sasha)
[ZBX-4675] added error checks to avoid partial configuration loading (dimir)
[ZBX-6542] added additional information in the default server configuration file about HousekeepingFrequency parameter (Sasha)
[ZBX-7856] added workaround for Windows _wstat64() not working with symlinks (wiper)
[ZBX-8030] fixed {HOSTNAME} macro resolving (Eduard)
[ZBX-7046] fixed get_ip_by_socket returning an empty string for IPv4 addresses when Zabbix is compiled with IPv6 support (Juris)
[ZBX-7966] fixed possibility to copy a templated graph (Ivo)
[ZBX-7930] improved execution time in Maintenance page (Ivo)
[ZBX-7872] removed discovery item prototype from calculation of required performace (NVPS) (igors)
[ZBX-5778] removed counting items in queue if host is in maintenance with no data collection (igors)
[ZBX-6151] fixed graph prototype and trigger prototype validation so item prototypes are no longer allowed from multiple discovery rules and fixed filter by flags not overriding in item.get method (Ivo)
[ZBX-5804] added overflow/wrapping detection to calculated items (Juris)
[ZBX-7659] fixed handling of hosts without any interfaces (Juris)
[ZBX-5379] added stale PID file detection for Java gateway (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-5558] fixed Java gateway error messages not being shown in the console on startup (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-6731] faster processing of log files by agent on Unix (Andris)
[ZBX-6729] faster processing of log files by agent on Microsoft Windows (Andris)
[ZBX-6933] added substitution of eventlog parameter insertion strings (wiper)
[ZBX-7853] changed log level from warning to information when listener, active checks and collector processes start (igors)
[ZBX-7674] implemented batch processing of IT services to resolve deadlocks and improve performance (Eduard, wiper)
[ZBX-5789] improved performance of processing discovered graphs by the low-level discovery rule (Sasha)
[ZBX-5789] fixed updating of low-level discovered graphs: the graph identifier never will change (Sasha)
[ZBX-7708] fixed trigger prototype error message and trigger form default description value (Oleg)
[ZBX-7739] removed unused label in screen configuration page when no elements exist (Eduard)
New features in 2.0.11:
[ZBX-1357] updated French, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Slovak and Ukrainian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators (Richlv)
Bug fixes in 2.0.11:
[ZBX-7698] fixed closing a connection to the database when database server is unavailable (Sasha)
[ZBX-7693] fixed admin user being able to update media for other users (Pavels)
[ZBX-7600] updated .htaccess files to be compatible with Apache 2.4 (Richlv)
[ZBX-7168] fixed configure.in template to properly link libcurl to all components independently (Juris)
[ZBX-7703] fixed being able to switch users without proper credentials when using HTTP authentication (Pavels)
[ZBX-7648] fixed name resolution when using net.dns items (Juris)
[ZBX-6315] fixed deleting of lost triggers by the low-level discovery rule (Sasha)
[ZBX-7109] improved performance of processing discovered triggers by the low-level discovery rule (Sasha)
[ZBX-4218] rewrote the item key parser's source code for independence on the mbstring.func_overload option (Sasha)
[ZBX-7686] fixed UTF-8 strings not being fetched fully from Oracle (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-6721] fixed LDAP bind password being included in page source (Eduard)
[ZBX-7609] fixed sound playing after frontend messages closing (Eduard)
[ZBX-7554] fixed script execution confirmation label encoding (Eduard)
[ZBX-6790] changed net.tcp.listen and net.udp.listen keys to read the whole /proc/net/(tcp|udp)(6) file in a single operation to avoid losing data if the file is changed between reading operations (wiper)
[ZBX-7587] set the correct server status (down) after ORA-01012, ORA-02396 errors (wiper)
[ZBX-7481] added checking for OpenBSD version to avoid compilation error on OpenBSD v5.4 and newer due to removed swapins/swapouts uvmexp fields (igors)
[ZBX-7634] removed sid from trigger URL in Monitoring->Triggers (Oleg)
[ZBX-5526] removed checking for PostgreSQL server version and disabled nonstandard use of escape strings in order to support versions newer than 8.1 (igors)
[ZBX-7414] added description to HostnameItem that UserParameters and aliases are not supported (igors)
[ZBX-7508] fixed import map with LLD triggers (Eduard)
[ZBX-7586] fixed trigger log expression saving in IE10 (Eduard)
[ZBX-7573] fixed item being checked at a wrong time when using flexible intervals (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-6545] fixed possible SQL errors when syncing a node configuration with PostgreSQL backend version 8.2 and later (Sasha)
[ZBXNEXT-1256] fixed parameter passing for example userparameter to obtain process CPU usage (Richlv)
[ZBXNEXT-1256] fixed parameter passing for example userparameter to obtain directory size (Richlv)
[ZBX-7484] fixed escalations not being stopped and generation of multiple successive OK or PROBLEM events (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-4243] fixed Zabbix syslog application names (RFC 5424 APP-NAME) (Andris)
[ZBX-7693] fixed admin user being able to update media for other users (Pavels)
[ZBX-7600] updated .htaccess files to be compatible with Apache 2.4 (Richlv)
[ZBX-7168] fixed configure.in template to properly link libcurl to all components independently (Juris)
[ZBX-7703] fixed being able to switch users without proper credentials when using HTTP authentication (Pavels)
[ZBX-7648] fixed name resolution when using net.dns items (Juris)
[ZBX-6315] fixed deleting of lost triggers by the low-level discovery rule (Sasha)
[ZBX-7109] improved performance of processing discovered triggers by the low-level discovery rule (Sasha)
[ZBX-4218] rewrote the item key parser's source code for independence on the mbstring.func_overload option (Sasha)
[ZBX-7686] fixed UTF-8 strings not being fetched fully from Oracle (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-6721] fixed LDAP bind password being included in page source (Eduard)
[ZBX-7609] fixed sound playing after frontend messages closing (Eduard)
[ZBX-7554] fixed script execution confirmation label encoding (Eduard)
[ZBX-6790] changed net.tcp.listen and net.udp.listen keys to read the whole /proc/net/(tcp|udp)(6) file in a single operation to avoid losing data if the file is changed between reading operations (wiper)
[ZBX-7587] set the correct server status (down) after ORA-01012, ORA-02396 errors (wiper)
[ZBX-7481] added checking for OpenBSD version to avoid compilation error on OpenBSD v5.4 and newer due to removed swapins/swapouts uvmexp fields (igors)
[ZBX-7634] removed sid from trigger URL in Monitoring->Triggers (Oleg)
[ZBX-5526] removed checking for PostgreSQL server version and disabled nonstandard use of escape strings in order to support versions newer than 8.1 (igors)
[ZBX-7414] added description to HostnameItem that UserParameters and aliases are not supported (igors)
[ZBX-7508] fixed import map with LLD triggers (Eduard)
[ZBX-7586] fixed trigger log expression saving in IE10 (Eduard)
[ZBX-7573] fixed item being checked at a wrong time when using flexible intervals (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-6545] fixed possible SQL errors when syncing a node configuration with PostgreSQL backend version 8.2 and later (Sasha)
[ZBXNEXT-1256] fixed parameter passing for example userparameter to obtain process CPU usage (Richlv)
[ZBXNEXT-1256] fixed parameter passing for example userparameter to obtain directory size (Richlv)
[ZBX-7484] fixed escalations not being stopped and generation of multiple successive OK or PROBLEM events (asaveljevs)
[ZBX-4243] fixed Zabbix syslog application names (RFC 5424 APP-NAME) (Andris)
MIRACLE ZBX 2.0.10-3
MIRACLE ZBX 2.0.10-2
MIRACLE ZBX 2.0.10-1
サービス終了時に、約4秒以上終了に時間が掛かる場合にプロセスを強制終了しており、収集したメモリ上のデータが DB へ全て書き込まれないまま終了していたため、5分間は待機して強制終了しないよう変更。
- MIRACLE ZBX のベースとしているソフトウェアを Zabbix 2.0.10 へアップデート
変更内容は以下 Changelog からの引用を参照
New features in 2.0.10:
[ZBXNEXT-1256] changed example directory size user parameter to return bytes (Richlv)
[ZBX-7103] improved loading speed of tr_events.php page (Sasha)
[ZBX-1357] updated American English, Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Japanese, Italian, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish and Ukrainian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators (Richlv)
Bug fixes in 2.0.10:
[ZBX-7479] fixed remote command execution from Zabbix server if flexible user parameters are configured; thanks to Recurity Labs Team for the report (Sasha)
[ZBX-7347] fixed custom step duration max size in action configuration (Eduard)
[ZBX-7400] fixed fetching of empty text or log history data with Oracle backend (Sasha)
[ZBX-7218] fixed configuration failing with Oracle 12.1 instant client libraries (asaveljevs, Sasha)
[ZBX-6129] fixed trying to change the status of a deleted trigger or trigger prototype changes the status of all trigger and prototypes (Pavels)
[ZBX-6920] fixed displaying of soft linked IT services (Eduard)
[ZBX-7292] fixed resolving of macros in host interfaces (Sasha)
[ZBX-7273] fixed newlines in default data strings for Oracle (Sasha)
[ZBX-6835] fixed bug when agent/proxy connection error could have resulted in a wrong warning about message size (wiper)
[ZBX-6760] improved performance of getting global scripts (Sasha)
[ZBX-7151] limited alert message and items parameter length to 2048 characters when working with Oracle and DB2 databases (wiper)
[ZBX-6591] fixed resolution of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses if DNS hostname is specified as server parameter in configuration file; thanks to Trever L. Adams for patch (igors)
[ZBX-7133] fixed processing of zabbix[host,*,available] item; fixed proxy's hosts availability data on server (Sasha)
[ZBX-7112] improved file import validation for graph items (Eduard)
[ZBX-7101] fixed generated SQL queries in action.get method when simultaneously selecting more than one condition and operation (Ivo)
[ZBX-7074] fixed incorrectly parsed trigger expression in trigger wizard (Vitalij)
[ZBX-5735] fixed debug mode check condition to use less memory when debug is off (Ivo)
New features in 2.0.9:
[ZBX-2616] upgraded the bundled DejaVu font from 2.33 to 2.34 (Richlv)
[ZBX-1357] updated Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese (China), Italian, Lithuanian, Romanian and Slovak translations; thanks to Zabbix translators (Richlv)
Bug fixes in 2.0.9:
[ZBX-7036] fixed "Discovery status" widget being displayed on top of a customized dashboard when enabling a discovery rule (Pavels)
[ZBX-3878] fixed not being able to move dashboard widget the second time (Ivo)
[ZBX-7091] fixed SQL injection vulnerabilities in page filtering; thanks to Bernhard Schildendorfer from SEC Consult for the report (Eduard, Pavels)
[ZBX-7091] fixed SQL injection vulnerabilities in dashboard favourite managing; thanks to Lincoln, a member of Corelan Team, for the report (Eduard, Pavels)
[ZBX-3878] fixed memory leaks in slide shows (Eduard)
[ZBX-6950] fixed termination character sequence for smtp connection termination (igors)
[ZBX-6952] fixed XSS vulnerability in user themes, thanks to Lincoln and Bernhard Schildendorfer for reporting (Ivo)
[ZBX-6992] fixed PostreSQL query errors due to missing "AS" keyword for aggregate functions in Monitoring > IT Services (Ivo)
[ZBX-6804] optimized min item clock calculation for graph; thanks to Volker Fröhlich (Eduard)
[ZBX-6902] reverting Solaris system.swap.size calculation from "swap -s" (used in 2.0.7, 2.0.8) to "swap -l"-like algorithm (as in 2.0.6) (Andris)
[ZBX-6936] fixed MySQL errors when updating configuration of the proxy (Sasha)
[ZBX-6929] fixed updating of lastlogsize and mtime in the proxy's database (Sasha)
[ZBX-6923] fixed mass delete in template list, 'Delete selected' and 'Delete selected with linked elements' functions (Vitalij)
[ZBX-6922] fixed host interface importing (Eduard)
[ZBX-6249] fixed data loss in proxy "Data sender" process caused by unfinished transactions; thanks to MATSUDA Daiki for patch (Andris)
[ZBXNEXT-1056] improved active checks error messages (wiper)
グラフ描画に使用されているデータを CSV として出力するボタンを追加しました。
Eventing 6.0 の API により『アプリケーションとサービス ログ』も監視できるようになりました。
『アプリケーションとサービス ログ』以外の監視設定方法は eventlog[] キーと同一になります。
『アプリケーションとサービス ログ』の監視には、監視したい対象のイベントログの『フル ネーム』を eventlog6[] の引数として設定する必要があります。
New features:
[ZBXNEXT-1405] added IP to the warning about ignored messages because of their size (wiper)
[ZBX-1357] updated Dutch translation; thanks to Zabbix translators (Richlv)
Bug fixes:
[ZBX-6020] fixed displaying MySQL errors for PHP 5.5.0 and newer (Ivo)
[ZBX-6746] fixed template linking to proxy if the agent with the same name is auto-registered (igors)
[ZBX-6840] fixed undefined indexes for triggers in Monitoring > Maps and Dashboard (Ivo)
[ZBX-6672] fixed windows agent performance counters being capped to 100 (wiper)
[ZBX-6831] fixed webtest item conversion in 1.8->2.0 database upgrade patch for mysql (wiper)
[ZBX-6527] fixed proc.mem calculations with getprocs() for AIX (wiper)
[ZBX-5924] fixed curl verify host option setting in ez texting (wiper)
[ZBX-6798] improved error messages from UnixODBC library for Database Monitor items (Andris)
[ZBX-6797] added configurable ODBC login timeout (Andris)
[ZBX-6889] fixed processing of availability data by the server (Sasha)
2.0.6-1 において弊社パッチ追加によって、イベント画面に複数のアクション実行結果が表示されるようになっていたためこれを修正。
New features:
[ZBX-6708] reduced configuration locking when calculating item queue (wiper)
[ZBX-6683] removed string pool semaphore; increased configuration cache update performance (Sasha)
[ZBX-6603] improved CTrigger lastEvents parameter performance (Toms)
[ZBX-6603] improved performance for dbConditionInt() function (Toms)
[ZBX-6407] improved data retrieval performance for CTrigger get() with post SQL filtering (Toms)
[ZBX-6493] improved performance when working with Oracle by changing memory based prefetch to rows based (dimir)
[ZBX-1357] updated Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese (China), Latvian, Polish, Slovak, Spanish and Turkish translations; thanks to Zabbix translators (Richlv)
Bug fixes:
[ZBX-6819] fixed memory leak in snmp trapper regular expression processing (wiper)
[ZBX-6464] fixed item display in popup for simple graphs and plain text items (Ivo)
[ZBX-6652] added item validation in bar reports page (Ivo)
[ZBX-6730] fixed zabbix_agentd -t duplicate printing of parameters (igors)
[ZBX-6801] fixed processing of host availability data received from proxy (wiper)
[ZBX-6637] added -m64 compilation flag for Solaris to be able to understand all attributes of 64-bit processes (igors)
[ZBX-6761] fixed dbConditionInt() performance (Eduard)
[ZBX-6681] fixed bug when one time maintenance period was ignored if it started before maintenance active time (wiper)
[ZBX-6630] faster proxy configuration synchronization (Andris)
[ZBX-6655] fixed possible agent crash when processing system.sw.packages[] (igors)
[ZBX-6725] fixed undefined indexes in item list view when trigger has items from different hosts (Toms)
[ZBX-6700] improved PostgreSQL upgrade patch (dotneft, Oleg)
[ZBX-6682] added value mapping in map labels (Oleg)
[ZBX-6673] fixed errors after parent graph deleting (Oleg)
[ZBX-6610] fixed invalid next check values of IPMI items (dimir)
[ZBX-6674] fixed items description in the default data set (Oleg)
[ZBX-6644] fixed sorting by history and trends fields in itemprototype.get API (Ivo)
[ZBX-6598] fixed deleting of big amount of escalations by escalation process (Sasha)
[ZBX-6605] fixed bind() error when SourceIP is used (Andris)
[ZBX-6472] fixed dbConditionString() function for large inputs, when splitting into several IN parts wasn't surrounded by parenthesis (Toms)
[ZBX-6609] fixed trigger event processing to not add unneeded recovery event escalations to the database (dimir)
[ZBX-6576] fixed heavy cpu usage when collecting cpu stats on Solaris (aleksej, Andris)
[ZBX-6558] fixed profile types in availability reports (Oleg)
[ZBX-6561] fixed undefined indexes and errors in configuration of network maps (Oleg)
[ZBX-4636] fixed broken UFT-8 characters in log item on Windows agent when encoding parameter is not set (aleksej)
[ZBX-6584] fixed possible logrt crash on windows platform when logfile was moved during processing (wiper)
[ZBX-1129] fixed graph time period in bar reports (Oleg)
[ZBX-6490] fixed web test 1.8->2.0 upgrade script ignoring nodes (wiper)
[ZBX-6526] fixed possible data uploading issues duing server startup or network problems (wiper)
[ZBX-6285] fixed message output from Zabbix sender (Andris)
[ZBX-6484] fixed bar report calculation (Oleg)
[ZBX-1236] added right side y axis support in bar reports (Oleg)
[ZBX-6498] fixed date format in update query for maintenance daily period (Oleg)
- ロゴや文言を変更
- エラー発生時に、適切なエラーメッセージをログファイルに出力するよう変更
- Windows においてイベントログ読み込み失敗時に、失敗した原因と異なるメッセージを出力してしまう可能性があったため修正
- SNMP のダイナミックインデックス機能利用時に、インデックス元の SNMP 監視結果取得に失敗したことをログに出力するようコードを追加
- Zabbix Proxy において、Zabbix Server への監視情報送信時に情報欠落する可能性があった問題を修正
Zabbix Proxy へ監視結果を保存するプロセス History Syncer がマルチプロセスで動作する際、より新しいデータの INSERT のコミットが古いデータの INSERT のコミットよりも先に完了してしまう可能性がありました。
この場合、タイミングによって古いデータについては Zabbix Server へ送信されず情報が欠落してしまう問題がありました。
この修正では必ずより古いデータの INSERT のコミットが先に完了するよう修正し、情報欠落が発生しないように修正しています。
- MIRACLE ZBX のベースとしているソフトウェアを Zabbix 2.0.6へアップデート
変更内容は以下 Changelog からの引用を参照
New features:
[ZBXNEXT-1643] added support of {TRIGGER.TEMPLATE.NAME} and {TRIGGER.HOSTGROUP.NAME} notification macros; thanks to Hmami Mohamed (Sasha)
[ZBX-1357] added Lithuanian translation; thanks to Zabbix translators (Richlv)
[ZBX-1357] updated American English, Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Japanese, Latvian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish and Ukrainian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators (Richlv)
[ZBXNEXT-1663] added support for notification macros {TRIGGER.NAME.ORIG}, {ITEM.NAME.ORIG}, {ITEM.KEY.ORIG} (dimir)
[ZBXNEXT-1056] added warning logging when active agent fails to connect to server/proxy (wiper)
Bug fixes:
[ZBX-6468] fixed regex in trigger expression test (Oleg)
[ZBX-6389] improved performance in Dashboard "System status" and "Last issues" widgets (Eduard)
[ZBX-6444] fixed vertical text alignment in Monitoring -> Overview for IE8 and IE10 (Toms)
[ZBX-6408] fixed action conditions not being deleted and actions not being disabled when deleting a template (Pavels)
[ZBX-5225] fixed deadlocks while processing LLD rules; each prototype will be processed in its own transaction (Sasha)
[ZBX-6413] fixed Zabbix API function 'webcheck.update' incorrectly requiring 'name' (Toms)
[ZBX-5225] improved performance of processing discovered items by the low-level discovery rule (Sasha)
[ZBX-6423] fixed escalator to allow alerts while processing huge amount of escalations (dimir)
[ZBX-6306] fixed frontend layout for latest Google Chrome 25 (Eduard)
[ZBX-6318] fixed undefined indices for large node IDs in DM (Toms)
[ZBX-6388] fixed regular expression namespace inside nodes (Eduard)
[ZBX-6333] added node support for global regexps (wiper)
[ZBX-6352] fixed web scenario and discovery rule delay interval (Eduard)
[ZBX-6357] fixed template graph cloning (Eduard)
[ZBX-4991] fixed host availability checks with proxies (wiper)
[ZBX-6322] enforced nls_numeric_characters setting for Oracle DB sessions (wiper)
[ZBX-6328] fixed undefined index in proxy list (Eduard)
[ZBX-6324] improved text displaying in Overview table header in IE (Eduard)
[ZBX-6261] fixed service.getsla not working with Oracle database (Pavels)
[ZBX-5797] fixed server SNMP interfaces ignoring IP/DNS toggle (wiper)
[ZBX-6290] fixed icon mapping selection (Eduard)
[ZBX-5321] unified translation strings, fixed typo and SQL query formatting (Pavels, Richlv)
[ZBX-5982] fixed read only items being listed in popup for trigger expression (Toms)
[ZBX-6123] ensured sequential IT services updates by database syncers (dimir)
[ZBX-5635] changed value types to float for qps items in "Template App MySQL" (Sasha)
[ZBX-5622] fixed grammatical error of snmptrap.fallback in help_items; thanks to Kodai Terashima (Sasha)
[ZBX-6191] fixed state of unsupported items in data.sql (Sasha)
[ZBX-6262] fixed regression when function is_uint_suffix() did not treat '0' as a valid unsigned integer (dimir)